Problem solving in a production company
Every production plant is under the pressure to deliver "on time". Failures or breakdowns shall be fixed asap. No time to really solve the problem.
Strategic management workshop
Top management needs time to regularly check the strategic targets and activities.
Teambuilding for teams
Allow your employees one or two days off the job. Together, they get closer and the team grows stronger.
Lean Production
What really means Lean Management, Six Sigma, Kaizen, 5S and other methods in common language?
Management Basic Training
In the manager role you have to add to your current specialisation a very new profession - the management.
Basics of the Project Management
Modern production and service delivery are complex. Project management is a must.
Work-life balance or the four agreements on working place
The stress and pressure in the business life is enormous. Finding a balance starts in the head, with the right mindset.